Saturday, October 13, 2007



My friend Steve Griffiths believes he and I should show up to compete in the Ergometer Sprints this season. Something I did a few times in the Nineties: it was silly fun then, and I think it might be silly fun now - perhaps a bit more painful than when I was younger; perhaps not, for loss of all that brain-power (used to feel said pain) since.

Anyway, it's good to show up to any athletic event in 'colors'. Since I'm no longer active in any local athletic organization (Gold's Gym doesn't count - sleazy capitalist venture), I've decided a club name of my own choosing is in order.

Topping the list of potential names is:

(the) Keith Richards Athletic Club (KRAC)

Really not much more to say on this subject.


- off to training session #2; then to the pub!!

I have worked my way up to seven and one half minutes on the erg at 2/min splits. What is the overunder on our erg times in February?
I always thought Back in the Saddle Rowing Club would be good. BITS RC on the shirts with a saddle as the logo. But KRAC is good too.
2000 meters..Duncan 7:05. Defrib machine at the ready, paddles lubed and EMT ready to yell "clear" but at the last minute Duncan waves them off. Muttering to himself, he struggles to his feet and the crowd in the gymnasium erupts. Later he is awarded a plaque for "Most Inspirational Effort Put Forth in the Disabled Division". Duncan, somewhat upset with being bestowed this honor, complains to a nearby janitor. The janitor shrugs his shoulders and tells him the gym will be closing in 15 minutes. He NEEDS to grab his things and leave. Duncan, who has remained in the same spot since getting off the erg some four and a half hours earlier is afraid to move for fear of popping all the muscles on the back sides of his legs.

2000 meters..Griff 6:47. Clearly wins the bragging rights between these two has beens. Unfortunately for Griff the competition is a total run time and not "while pulling" time. With the 15 minute break at 800 meters in, and another 7 minute break with 400 meters to go, Griffs total time of 28:47 is by far the worst time ever pulled at an indoor rowing competition. The crowd is aghast the first time he "quits" his piece but then they applaud madly as he storms back into the gym to complete his row. Any inspiration the crowd feels due to his courage to get back on and complete his effort dissipates quickly when he gets off the second time. He is roundly booed when he gets back on with 400 meters to go as the competition has to be held up for him to complete his session. Upon completion, he is quickly escorted out of the gym while trash is rained down on him from the angry mob in the bleachers. Griff just shrugs.

2000 meters..Johnny O. 0:00. When reached at his home, Johnny was quoted as saying, "fuck that!"
I'll do the T-shirt for BITS rowing club.. after all I deserve a honorary T- for breaking limbs while trying to get BITS my own self... here's to getting older and fighting it every set of the way... all three of you guys put me to shame : )
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